Hello there! I want to speak to someone who probably might have lost something so dearly or will lose in any moment of his/her life. When it happens that way, it seizes to be the time you ought to show appreciation. Well in this context, it will be best we consider what first of all appreciation is; it means to be grateful or to have value for something or someone at true worth. Let me quickly ask you this; “what are you grateful for?” Could it be that you’re only grateful for your wealth, the classy or flashy living, your ‘cannot-do-without’ friends or even your cherishing family? Indeed it’s all good to appreciate having all that but what about appreciating your losses? For instance, that moment your application letter was withdrawn though you qualify, or that moment you were expelled from college, or even that moment your business collapsed and others? Well! Let’s just say I can comprehend should your answer to these question be no; but have you ever considered what you could have lost in place of that, especially your life? Remember there’s a saying that “to have life is to have all”. Maybe you wonder why amongst humanity, why you?
Indeed! Why you? Here, let us consider the story of
famous Biblical character, Job. According to the Bible in the book of Job, He
had everything just name them yourself but yet he lost them all within a
snapshot. When all these had happened to him he never lost his integrity. Well
putting yourself at his situation, would have given up your integrity one way
or the other? If yes then I want to put it clear to you that count yourself as
part of the lucky ones every day when you lose something either than your life.
My dear brother or sister reading this piece, its time you consider what your
worst moment s could be and appreciate whichever situation you find yourself. I
trust my words through this piece has meant something to someone out there and
as motivated, inspired or encouraged as you are, you will appreciate what life’s
got for you.
Never forget that to share is caring and that is why
you ought to share this piece with as many people as you can so that at least
someone out there somewhere who might be in dire need of a piece like this will
have his/her share of it. Remember that for one to be blessed through you is
the gateway to more blessings than you can imagine. Thank and God bless you!
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